[Public-List] Port Light Rubber Seals

John Stapleton agincajun355 at verizon.net
Mon May 17 06:18:29 PDT 2010

I have #196, the rAgin'Cajun. I'm having a problem locating the o-ring looking seals for the two port lights in the v-birth. 

Anyone know how to break the code on these seals? Would greatly appreciate knowing where to get them. 


------Original Message------
From: JIRVING104 at aol.com
Sender: public-list-bounces at lists.alberg30.org
To: public-list at lists.alberg30.org
ReplyTo: Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all
Subject: [Public-List] Rudder Construction
Sent: May 17, 2010 06:31

I'm stripping 30 years of bottom paint off Scotch Bonnet (#634).  The  
rudder has some large star bursts.  They are about 6" in diameter, and  don't 
appear to go below the gel coat.  Any suggestions on what I should do  to 
repair?  The rudder construction (1979) seems to have a core  construction based 
on looking at the trailing edge with the paint removed, but  I'd appreciate 
any input on what the core is made of.  I'm guessing the  core is solid 
John Irving
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