[Public-List] foredeck compression, (and bedding deck hardware)

Gordon Laco mainstay at csolve.net
Wed Jan 19 18:56:59 PST 2011

I drilled 3/8" for 1/4" bolts... Then put tape on the holes inside.   Then I poured epoxy in with more tape on top (the boat is never level and I didn't want the glue to run over the deck)

Then I drilled 1/4" and mounted the fittings bedded in Sikaflex.  

The only leaks I have left are in to ports (not over MY bunk, chuckle) and both sail tracks.   Half measures haven't worked on the tracks so they'll have to come off for rebedding at some future date. 


Sent from my iPhone

On 2011-01-19, at 3:20 PM, "Roger L. Kingsland" <r.kingsland at ksba.com> wrote:

> Thanks Kirk (and Gord),
> What technique did you use to "bore the core"?  Did you keep the bolt hole
> sizes at top and bottom layers of the FG deck and just expand the core; if
> so how did you get in there?
> Best,
> Roger
> -----Original Message-----
> From: public-list-bounces at lists.alberg30.org
> [mailto:public-list-bounces at lists.alberg30.org] On Behalf Of Kirk Little
> Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 2:16 AM
> To: public-list at lists.alberg30.org
> Subject: Re: [Public-List] foredeck compression, (and bedding deck hardware)
> I spent more time than I care to admit removing nearly every single piece of
> deck hardware, boring out about 1/4 inch of the core around every hole,
> filling with west epoxy, then re-drilling and re-bedding each piece, most
> with substantial (1/4" aluminum) backing plates.  Forgetting about deck
> compression / strength, if the hardware can move at all then the deck
> sealant is going to leak sooner rather than later.  Then you have water in
> your core and probably inside the boat as well, nasty little problems.
> Re-bedding through epoxy-reinforced holes will not only protect the deck
> core from the inevitable leak, but I strongly feel it will drastically
> increase the amount of time before it even starts leaking as the hardware is
> now bolted to something stronger and more stiff.  This improvement also
> allows you to seal not only on the deck side but on the underside as well to
> improve and prolong the seal.  Of course if you are bedding straight through
> the core (without epoxy filled 
> holes) then you wouldn't want to seal the inside of the boat as this would
> prolong and hide any evidence of the water seeping into the core.  Nearly
> three years and 15,000nm at sea, none of my re-bedded hardware has leaked
> not even the windows where I implemented a similar improvement, not even
> after beating into the trade winds for several days with the deck constantly
> awash (however every other leak became painfully apparent).  Boring out core
> and filling with fiberglass is a bit of a pain but it is a once in the life
> of the boat job that might allow you to rebed and seal the deck hardware a
> lot less often in the future plus protecting your core.  Having said all
> that, I don't think I would recommend it unless you were heading offshore or
> plan to keep the boat 5+ years.  Just my two cents.  
> -Kirk Little, Salsa #504 www.SailingSalsa.com (currently in Thailand and
> heading for South Africa this year)
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