[Public-List] hauling an Alberg 30 (Permit or no permit?)

peter woroniecki pworonec at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 21 22:54:54 PDT 2011


It was safe to haul A30 with no hassle... well untill today, anyway. Thanks for tipping off the DOT,  :)

From: Tom S. <tom.s at insightbb.com>
To: Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all <public-list at alberg30.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 1:14 AM
Subject: [Public-List] hauling an Alberg 30  (Permit or no permit?)

Hello all,

Has anyone on the list ever been checked by the D.O.T while hauling their A-30 and asked for a permit?

Does the D.O.T. have data which gives them the exact beam  of the boat or do they actually try to put the tape on it.

As I am sure you all know this boat actually only violates the required beam for a very small point about mid ship. It would be a bit tricky to actually get it measured accurately.........maybe a couple of plum bobs dropped from the mid beam and measure between them.

I realize the boat is actually 8'-9" but the beam on my documentation it is stated as 8.6 that could be construed as 8'-6" by say myself I guess maybe.

The permits are not all that expensive but they do create  quite a bit of hassle.They lock you in to a time frame and a particular route.

Anyway, I was just wondering what others have done.......... or might would consider doing.

-mostly a lurker, but love this list,

-tom s

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