[Public-List] Hull thickness question

Gordon Laco mainstay at csolve.net
Wed Nov 9 10:12:42 PST 2011

Yes, I'd say that trumps a grunt of approval.....

On 09/11/11 10:43 AM, "Mike Lehman" <sail_505 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Gord,
> The highest accolade is having a surveyor inspect your boat, then falling in
> love with Alberg 30s, and then buying one. This just happened...the guy that
> surveyed my in May could not get the boat out of his mind, he was so
> impressed at how well it was built, and last week he bought John
> Maleszwski's Alberg #262. That says a lot about the boat.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gordon Laco
> Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2011 8:33 AM
> To: Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all
> Subject: Re: [Public-List] Hull thickness question
> When I installed my Tempo saddle tank in SURPRISE, I shot expanding foam
> into a plastic bag I had arranged behind the tank.  The bag inhibited the
> curing of the foam, which caused me concern that it wasn't going to kick off
> (it eventually did) but the result was that the foam was in the bag, which I
> hope will inhibit the absorption of water.
> The rest was similar to what Pete described below.  When the boat had her
> five-year survey the surveyor grunted with approval, which I reckon is
> highest accolade one can expect from someone in that trade.
> Gord #426 SURPRISE
> On 09/11/11 6:17 AM, "Peter Amos" <p.a.amos at hotmail.com> wrote:
>> This worked for me and held securely for 10 years through a lot of miles
>> and
>> some heavy seas. Clean and degrease the hull surface that  will be  behind
>> the
>> tank and also clean the tank surface that faces the hull. Run a 2" x 2"
>> beam
>> between the forward and aft bulkheads in the cockpit locker to prevent the
>> tank moving forward.Dampen both surfaces with a spray of clean water.
>> Spray
>> some expanding foam between the tank and the hull,not too much ,you dont
>> want
>> to push the tank off its seat.Usr the plastic tube on the foam can to
>> get spots of foam well behind the tank from both sides. No need for epoxy
>> or
>> holes in the hull.
>> Pete  ex Tait Tait  #478
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