[Public-List] Help with Head fitting

Rachel penokee at cheqnet.net
Thu Apr 12 18:52:45 PDT 2012


I should also mention one potential negative that I took into consideration before moving the head inlet on #221.  That is that the new location was not quite as deep (i.e. as far below the waterline) as the previous one.  So it's conceivable that, say, on port tack and well heeled over, you could draw some air if you were trying to flush just at that time.

On the other hand, it was still well below the waterline, and I noticed that other boats such as the Pearson Triton had the intake in a similar location, and I had not heard anyone discuss a problem.  

So, ultimately I decided to go with the new location.  I did like how it worked out "tidy-wise."



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