[Public-List] Stuffing box wrenches. and access

Kirk Little kirkalittle at hotmail.com
Sat May 12 23:55:43 PDT 2012

I was hesitant to make custom wrenches, and happened to stumble upon a cheap pair of adjustable wrenches designed for stuffing boxes (they worked terribly or not at all), then I bought a large and medium sized monkey wrench (Plumber wrench or pipe wrench) whatever it's called.  And they worked OK, I have cut outs near the engine in the cockpit lockers port and starboard but I find it easiest to access the stuffing box by laying with my chest on top of the engine and my head and arms squeezed in the aft part of the bilge.  I also tried the green putty stuff sold at marine stores to convert a standard stuffing box to drip-less where you put a ring of normal packing gland, a layer of the green stuff and then more standard packing gland, it barely fits in the stuffing box with this 'sandwich' configuration but it worked well enough for years.   Hope this helps somehow, good luck.  

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