[Public-List] Circumnavigations

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Fri Oct 19 19:04:00 PDT 2012


On 10/19/12 8:30 PM, Dennis K. Biby wrote:
> Ahoy Jeffrey,
> I, too do not like to stir the pot but I agree with your comments.
> Using a listserv from the 90's is a poor way to communicate.  George,
> an unpaid and under appreciated keeper of the realm is to be
> commended.  But, the active race results, etc. quickly bounce to
> Blogspot, as do other links.

Other people do what they will. I don't control them. Nor do they 
control me. I'd be happy to host race results.

> To the point of the original post - circumnavigators - cannot be found
> on the current site.

I find results for circumnavigators searching the message archives, 
either at http://alberg30.org/public-list or in the google search box on 
the pages of http://alberg30.org  Neither give the results of today's 
emails, because the indexing is only run once a day and Google doesn't 
index the site continuously, either.

But we're sailors. Surely we're not in such a hurry.

> I cannot share photos nor interact in a modern (non-Blackberry...
> kidding) forum.  I have no idea (other than one old Alberger racer)
> how to share trials and tribulations with a refit on this site.

You must have no idea what a problem spam and malware is these days. I 
don't allow binary files, including photos, on the mailing list for a 
reason. Yet there is a gallery where people can, if they ask, upload 
photos. Most people prefer to use other public photo sharing sites. 
That's OK, too.

I would rather spend extra effort than expose everyone to random porn 
and viruses sent via the email list. I no longer check how much, but 
there are a lot of attempts to do so.

> Perhaps a few bucks from Albergers would pay for a modern site - just saying.

No one yet has wanted to do so. Go ahead. I'll shut this site down. I 
wouldn't want people to have to visit two places.

  - George

   When I remember bygone days                         George Dinwiddie
   I think how evening follows morn;            gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
   So many I loved were not yet dead,           http://www.Alberg30.org
   So many I love were not yet born.                          also see:
                'The Middle' by Ogden Nash     http://idiacomputing.com


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