[Public-List] Getting mast wires into the boat?

Jeffrey fongemie at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 12:05:57 PDT 2013

Thanks Bill.

I'll likely do the same thing. And I think you are right about the self
amalgamating tape over whatever bundle of wires would stop most water.

RE: I rewired my mast a couple of years ago and also used the cable tie
trick. We used maybe 100 cable ties, but the wires inside are silent! It's
been two seasons now and still not a peep. Works great.  Great bang for
your buck on that fix.


On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Bill Wallace <wayfarer3134 at yahoo.com>wrote:

> I use the slightly larger than single wire sized cable clam to get 4 wires
> - a triplex, two duplex and a round vhf wire so that I can disconnect
> everything in the winter when the mast gets removed.  It seems pretty dry.
>  I'd probably freeze it though for the initial drilling - and it is really
> painful getting the wires through initially, as at least for me it was a
> fairly small hole I used.  You could probably wrap the wire with butyl tape
> to ensure a totally watertight pass through the rubber stopper.  I'm
> planning on redoing it this winter as the VHF cable is spliced twice and
> I'd like a better set of disconnects inside the boat and at the top of the
> mast to allow me to remove the wind instruments cleanly every winter.  The
> wires also bang inside the mast so I plan on wrapping several sets of 3
> cable ties to keep the wires centered and prevent banging (every 3' roughly
> you wrap 3 cable ties with the ends at 120 degrees to each other and
> preventing the cable from slamming against the wall of the mast.)
> Bill.
>   ------------------------------
>  *From:* Jeffrey <fongemie at gmail.com>
> *To:* Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all <public-list at lists.alberg30.org>
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 29, 2013 2:18:23 PM
> *Subject:* [Public-List] Getting mast wires into the boat?
> Hi everyone,
> I'm wondering what everyone else has set up to get the wires from the mast
> into the boat?
> I have a setup on #116 where someone has drilled a hole through the mast
> step plate, through the mast beam and it comes out just inside in the
> v-berth just forward of the beam. A stainless tube was inserted and the
> wires from the mast are run through this tube, into the boat cabin to a
> connections box. It's a clean setup from the outside, however we've
> discovered that unless you get a good drip loop in the wires at the mast
> base water can flow down into cabin and drip on the floor. And, the sll the
> wires into the tube is a tight fit.
> I'm about to remove my mast beam completely, and laminate a new one out of
> sapele (or perhaps white oak). I think I'd like find a different solution
> for the wires to exit the mast through a hole, then into the cabin top via
> some fitting of some sort.
> I've used the Cable Clam type fittings with success for single round
> cables:
> http://www.jamestowndistributors.com/userportal/show_product.do?pid=661&familyName=Perko+Watertight+Cable+Outlets
> I wonder how those would work for multiple wires and duplex covered wires?
> What do you all do??
> I hope everyone is having a great season.  We decided to skip putting our
> boat in the water to get some house and boat projects done, can't wait
> until next season already.
> -jeff
> Seagrass #116
> Boothbay Harbor Maine
> --
> ______________
> Jeffrey Fongemie
> <http://instagram.com/jfongemie>
> <http://instagram.com/jfongemie>
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Jeffrey Fongemie



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