[Public-List] 2013 Pacfic North West Alberg Rendezvous

Stephen Gwyn stephen.gwyn at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Wed Jan 23 22:43:22 PST 2013

This is to announce the Pacific North West Alberg Design Rendezvous,
for all boats designed by Carl Alberg, including of course
Alberg 30s.

The fleet will gather:

Friday, June 21st to Sunday June 23rd,
Salt Spring Marina, Ganges, Salt spring Island.

For booking contact Lesley Cheeseman

Phone:    250-537-5810 (or toll-free 1-800-334-6629)
Web-page: http://www.saltspringmarina.com/
E-mail:   info at saltspringmarina.com
Location: https://maps.google.ca/?ll=48.858588,-123.500619&z=16

Moorage should be individually pre-arranged. It would be appreciated
and considerate if we could make arrangements at least two weeks in
advance where ever possible.

As usual, this get-together will award us with the opportunity to meet
our many friends and gain many useful hints, as well as the
traditional Saturday evening POTLUCK SUPPER which has always been a
great success, especially if Jelle brings his strings.

Looking forward to meeting you all again and if not all at least those
that can manage to get out, as many as possible I hope. I am aiming
for Friday afternoon arrival and supper at the pub. If I can be of any
help you can get hold of me at stephen.gwyn at gmail.com

Please spread the word, especially to any potential newcomers that
might be interested.

See you there!

#495 Quasar

Stephen Gwyn                       | Tel: 1-250-363-3136
Canadian Astronomical Data Centre  | Fax: 1-250-363-0045
Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics | Cell: 1-250-885-6969
5071 West Saanich Road             | E-mail: Stephen.Gwyn at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Victoria, BC, V9E 2E7, Canada      | http://astrowww.phys.uvic.ca/~gwyn/


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