[Public-List] Inside Cabin - Brown Gue and Mold

Jeffrey via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Thu Dec 18 18:16:43 PST 2014

I too get some brown goo on #116 that bleeds though the enamel paint just
on one spot inside my cabin. It seems to come back every spring. I sand it
off, then give a quick repaint of that small area.  Mine does not appear to
be water based, it sets up hard.


Seagrass. #116
Boothbay Harbor, Maine


On Thu, Dec 18, 2014 at 9:07 PM, Michael via Public-List <
public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:
> I get that brown goo on my preliner boat also. I can buy what George
> says-it's water based, and not related to anything structural, but the
> masonite core on mine is different than the balsa on yours.
> Anyway, painting the deck (stopping the porosity of the aging gelcoat)
> went a long way to reducing goo on the interior. It took a while though.
> It's a long term process, but sanding and painting the interior keeps it
> under control. It wipes off of fresh paint.
> Michael Grosh
> #220
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Jeffrey Fongemie



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