[Public-List] So you want to build a wooden ship?

Gordon Laco via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Wed Feb 4 13:07:24 PST 2015

MARYLAND DOVE and KALMAR are both very significant vessels.... Wish I was
within range of Andy's talk.

Gord #426 Surprise

On 04/02/15 1:51 PM, "George Dinwiddie via Public-List"
<public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:

> Shipwright and former Alberger Andy Shaw (the one who always wins the
> Pimlico pool) will be speaking on this topic at London Town in Edgewater
> on February 10.
> http://www.historiclondontown.com/index.php/events/details/305-wooden-ships-wi
> nter-lecture-series

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