[Public-List] Summer Cruise

Jonathan Adams via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Tue Jun 30 16:53:33 PDT 2015

Greetings all, the summer cruise is approaching, and the current itinerary is below. This is subject to change.
The important thing about this cruise is that the Solomons Race is the feeder event, so three boats will be racing down on Friday 7/11, and then the next weekend, the cruise will begin on Saturday. For those that are not racing down, they have the week prior to race.
Here is the current itinerary. Subject to change based on whatever we want...
 If there are enough boats that want to come down to meet us on Friday 7/25, then we can adjust destinations at the end.
Reach out to me or David if you have questions.
   - Saturday 7/18 - get our collective act together
   - Depart Solomons (Zahnisers) on Sunday 7/19 for Reedville, Buzzards Point Marina since that is where the Tangier Ferry runs. This is the longest run of the trip, I am not going to tell you how far :)
   - Monday for Tangier but when we return at 4:15 we move to a nicer anchorage on the Great Wicomico to escape the smell Trish mentioned in her clog. Maybe a nice hour long afternoon river sail since we have sailboats.   

   - Tuesday to Coan River on the VA side of the Potomac or St. Mary’s on the Maryland side   

   - Wednesday back to Solomons? (Spring Cove marina as a change from Zahnisers)   

   - Thursday Little Choptank?   

   - Friday Herring Bay if it is stinky hot with jellies and we need another marina and pool or Choptank Dun Cove or thereabouts if not.   

   - Saturday Rhode River by Camp Letts - Meet up with Charlie and family and others that wish to come down from Annapolis.   

   - Sunday home

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