[Public-List] Cockpit Coaming

Michael Grosh via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Thu Oct 22 07:51:15 PDT 2015

If Exotic Lumber doesn't work for you, try Warren's Woodworks off Glebe
Road Easton. They are right next to the Hinkley repair facility, I am sure
they have teak in all dimensions.

On Oct 22, 2015 9:16 AM, "Wes Gardner via Public-List" <
public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:

> Hi All,
> This has probably been discussed before...I removed my coamings (and winch
> pedestals) yesterday and am considered sailing next year "commando style"
> without them.  I'll see what my wife thinks. We sail mainly in "daysail
> mode" so there's no chance of green water rolling into the cockpit.  I am
> of the "lean against the lifelines" school of steering to leeward.  The
> boat DOES feel quite different without them.  Feels kinda nice, actually.
> That's another discussion....
> What I DID find is that mine were installed completely "dry" meaning there
> was no bedding of anything anywhere.  Maybe this was intentional as the
> space between the wood and the glass is a great place for trapping crud.
> What have others done in this area?  I thought about intentionally spacing
> the wood away with a flat washer and cutting some weeps in along the
> bottom?
> Anyone know of a good source for teak?  I have a bandsaw, sabre saw and
> router so I can shape and machine, I'll need to get the pieces joined as I
> don't have access to a jointer.  (I truly miss the one in the boatyard that
> had like an eight foot bed, but those days are gone...)
> Wes
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