[Public-List] Strengthening Soft Bulkheads.

Wes Gardner via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Thu Jan 28 14:54:54 PST 2016

Here's what I'd do, assuming there is no rot but maybe just softness-remove all the plam (plastic laminate) in the area, clean all the old glue off and get the area of the bulkhead where the chain played were ready to lay some cloth both sides. Before this, inject all the "end grain" of the plywood in and around where the bolts holes were using west system or sim. Fill the old bolt holes with thickened epoxy. Run a couple of layers of glass mat on both sides. Redrill the holes for 5/16 bolts. Either make backing plates or use big fender washers on the bolts.

You can do all this with the rig in place.

What do others think?


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 28, 2016, at 5:24 PM, Michael Connolly via Public-List <public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:
> Hi all, 
> The Lorrie Rose has many problems among them bulkheads which are suspect. 
> She has wood-grained Melamine laminated to her primary bulkheads.  Tapping with a small hammer in the vicinity of the chain plates produces a hollow sound. I suspect at minimum the laminate has detached from the plywood substrate.  There is relatively little apparent water damage in this area, but there is evidence of water intrusion. 
> I plan to remove the chain plates and peal back or lift off the Melamine where it has delaminated, revealing the condition of the plywood beneath.  
> My question to those on the list is.  If there is no wholesale rotten plywood, i.e., delaminating plies, missing pieces or punky holes but perhaps some soft or tender but intact plywood, would it be possible to consolidate the exposed plywood with some sort of penetrating epoxy product?  Git-rot (R) comes to mind. 
> I would most likely redo the tabbing to the hull and deck.  Perhaps lay-up some epoxy saturated fiberglass cloth to the consolidated surface of the bulkhead. In other words, if the damage is not extensive or covering a large area, can the bulkheads be repaired/strengthened without wholesale replacement?  Has anyone attempted to do this in lieu of replacing the bulkheads? 
> Thanks for your thoughts, 
> Michael #133 
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