[Public-List] Traveller Install

Mike Meinhold meinhold272 at gmail.com
Wed May 2 11:29:10 PDT 2018

 I agree with others that there is no need to build up the curve - just
bolt it down and it will conform.

  I recommend you use the largest bolts that fit the chamfered holes in the
track. Use a single backing plate of aluminum or stainless at each end -
check the bottom surface to make sure you can fit it flat.

Rinn Duin #272

On Wed, May 2, 2018 at 11:27 AM, Chris Martin via Public-List <
public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:

>  Hi Folks
> I have a new Garhauer traveller to install and am looking for some advice.
> I have lots of questions and figure some have this setup and might have
> some pointers for installation. I found some good info in the past but I'm
> ready to get some hardware and didnt see that. What size and type
> screws/bolts did you use? Also, seems like I can fab some tapered wood
> pieces to mount the under the traveller or try to make the straight track
> bend to the deck. Not much of a curve but its there. What works? Any other
> issues I'm not thinking about?
> Thanks
> Chris
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