[Public-List] Public-List Digest, Vol 3902, Issue 1
Gordon Laco
mainstay at csolve.net
Wed Aug 21 04:54:12 PDT 2019
My boat was painted by roller too…
Gordon Laco
https://www.facebook.com/epifanesyachtcoatings/photos/a.333350016741111/522425494500228/?type=3&theater <https://www.facebook.com/epifanesyachtcoatings/photos/a.333350016741111/522425494500228/?type=3&theater>
> On Aug 21, 2019, at 7:00 AM, Michael Devonshire via Public-List <public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:
> Got pics?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 20, 2019, at 7:38 PM, Sheldon Shikoluk via Public-List <public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:
>> I used Epifannes two part polyeurathane on hull for #481 Rainbow. I brushed
>> it on and came out like a spray job. Really good paint!?
>> On Tue, Aug 20, 2019, 4:13 PM <public-list-request at lists.alberg30.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Send Public-List mailing list submissions to
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>>> ======================================================
>>> Today's Topics:
>>> 1. Ettiquette at anchor? (Randy Katz)
>>> 2. Re: Ettiquette at anchor? (Wehicks)
>>> 3. Re: Ettiquette at anchor? (Gordon Laco)
>>> 4. Re: cabin top traveller (Andrew Johns)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2019 20:50:15 -0700
>>> From: Randy Katz <randy.katz50 at gmail.com>
>>> To: public-list at lists.alberg30.org
>>> Subject: [Public-List] Ettiquette at anchor?
>>> Message-ID:
>>> <CAFqGGGgrS1mO5EJtGOx4eY_yuYH0Kwko=
>>> 4Y-DRkikKFhzD7LBA at mail.gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
>>> Greetings, 'Bergers,
>>> Gordon's story below reminded me of a concern we're always a bit unsure
>>> about. We seem plagued by noisy generators on nearby boats, as I'm sure
>>> others have experienced. Watmough Bay on south Lopez Island, WA., a couple
>>> of weeks ago--Nearly all sailboats, ah, nice and quiet. Until another
>>> sailboat-- :( --with its gen exhaust pointed right at us starts ripping
>>> away... for 2 hours around dinner time.
>>> I'm an adult, I can figure these things out, but I'm curious about the
>>> response of others. Does one dare ask to the skipper how long such an
>>> intrusion is expected to continue, by way of giving a hint? Is it
>>> preferable to pull up anchor and move? Is it best even so to adopt a zen
>>> attitude and endure till the end? When will modern electrical management
>>> systems, LEDs, etc. become pervasive enough to reduce gen use? Not in my
>>> lifetime, I'm afraid.
>>> And then sometimes at 7 in the morning, too!
>>> We often anchor far off from other vessels knowing this problem will come
>>> up. We go to the beautiful places for peace and quiet, not for listening to
>>> engines running on and on.
>>> Any experiences or suggestions would be welcomed.
>>> Many Thanks,
>>> Randy Katz
>>> #249 Simple Gifts
>>> Seattle/Bellingham, WA
>>> Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2019 11:04:10 -0400
>>> From: Gordon Laco <mainstay at csolve.net>
>>> To: Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all
>>> <public-list at lists.alberg30.org>
>>> Subject: [Public-List] Cruising...
>>> Message-ID: <89016B18-7D9F-478F-BC36-8B4C2C39B2FA at csolve.net>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>>> So there we were on Friday morning? the usual tornado that are my business
>>> ventures seemed under control? so we decided to make it a long weekend and
>>> escape up the coast in the boat.
>>> We loaded up with ice, food, treats and a ginger beer called ?Crabby?s?
>>> we?ve become addicted to.
>>> Severn Sound was under dead calm conditions so we motored away without
>>> remorse about not sailing. At 5.8 knots we got up to our favourite
>>> anchorage in 2.5 hours. Ya, it?s not sailing, but on the other hand
>>> serious lounging at anchor...
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 2
>>> Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 01:12:08 -0500
>>> From: Wehicks <wehicks at gmail.com>
>>> To: Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all
>>> <public-list at lists.alberg30.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [Public-List] Ettiquette at anchor?
>>> Message-ID: <14488FF6-FE1D-4393-8CBA-B5F46C88D80F at gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>> Send a picture of the crabby bottle. I would like to try.
>>> Walter.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Aug 19, 2019, at 10:50 PM, Randy Katz via Public-List <
>>> public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:
>>>> Greetings, 'Bergers,
>>>> Gordon's story below reminded me of a concern we're always a bit unsure
>>>> about. We seem plagued by noisy generators on nearby boats, as I'm sure
>>>> others have experienced. Watmough Bay on south Lopez Island, WA., a
>>> couple
>>>> of weeks ago--Nearly all sailboats, ah, nice and quiet. Until another
>>>> sailboat-- :( --with its gen exhaust pointed right at us starts ripping
>>>> away... for 2 hours around dinner time.
>>>> I'm an adult, I can figure these things out, but I'm curious about the
>>>> response of others. Does one dare ask to the skipper how long such an
>>>> intrusion is expected to continue, by way of giving a hint? Is it
>>>> preferable to pull up anchor and move? Is it best even so to adopt a zen
>>>> attitude and endure till the end? When will modern electrical management
>>>> systems, LEDs, etc. become pervasive enough to reduce gen use? Not in my
>>>> lifetime, I'm afraid.
>>>> And then sometimes at 7 in the morning, too!
>>>> We often anchor far off from other vessels knowing this problem will come
>>>> up. We go to the beautiful places for peace and quiet, not for listening
>>> to
>>>> engines running on and on.
>>>> Any experiences or suggestions would be welcomed.
>>>> Many Thanks,
>>>> Randy Katz
>>>> #249 Simple Gifts
>>>> Seattle/Bellingham, WA
>>>> Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2019 11:04:10 -0400
>>>> From: Gordon Laco <mainstay at csolve.net>
>>>> To: Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all
>>>> <public-list at lists.alberg30.org>
>>>> Subject: [Public-List] Cruising...
>>>> Message-ID: <89016B18-7D9F-478F-BC36-8B4C2C39B2FA at csolve.net>
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>>>> So there we were on Friday morning? the usual tornado that are my
>>> business
>>>> ventures seemed under control? so we decided to make it a long weekend
>>> and
>>>> escape up the coast in the boat.
>>>> We loaded up with ice, food, treats and a ginger beer called ?Crabby?s?
>>>> we?ve become addicted to.
>>>> Severn Sound was under dead calm conditions so we motored away without
>>>> remorse about not sailing. At 5.8 knots we got up to our favourite
>>>> anchorage in 2.5 hours. Ya, it?s not sailing, but on the other hand
>>>> serious lounging at anchor...
>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>> Please support them.
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>>>> Public-List mailing list
>>>> Public-List at lists.alberg30.org
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>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 3
>>> Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 08:24:52 -0400
>>> From: Gordon Laco <mainstay at csolve.net>
>>> To: Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all
>>> <public-list at lists.alberg30.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [Public-List] Ettiquette at anchor?
>>> Message-ID: <CC0AFA36-EBC6-4A16-88DD-95353810F632 at csolve.net>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>>> Here it is Walter?
>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.lcbo.com_webapp_wcs_stores_servlet_en_lcbo_niche_crabbies-2Doriginal-2Dalcoholic-2Dginger-2Dbeer-2D272807-23.XVvhaZNKjOQ&d=DwICAg&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=enM7ScFQvWrcekEYjndveTkrwasULNM_wPIJpHsl3qk&m=FF-G_qbWyHQlOAQ_1oz9VDF8Yck3QvrTuACWR8q_2Lk&s=2AzWrqOA4JipItL2HHwwuHsbFROXry9hRL2MM_lrQ08&e=
>>> <
>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.lcbo.com_webapp_wcs_stores_servlet_en_lcbo_niche_crabbies-2Doriginal-2Dalcoholic-2Dginger-2Dbeer-2D272807-23.XVvhaZNKjOQ&d=DwICAg&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=enM7ScFQvWrcekEYjndveTkrwasULNM_wPIJpHsl3qk&m=FF-G_qbWyHQlOAQ_1oz9VDF8Yck3QvrTuACWR8q_2Lk&s=2AzWrqOA4JipItL2HHwwuHsbFROXry9hRL2MM_lrQ08&e=
>>> Hello Randy - use of gen sets in otherwise quiet anchorages is a growing
>>> problem. I try to ignore them unless their use is especially obnoxious,
>>> such as in the case of a large black hulled motor cruiser who joined us in
>>> a cove with us last year. We were the only two boats there, yet they chose
>>> to moor themselves to the shore literally within thirty feet of our port
>>> side. They proceed to start up their generator, then their air
>>> conditioning then put a loud professional sports game on their TV. Why go
>>> to a wilderness anchorage if they wanted to watch sports on TV?
>>> Later when they emerged on deck I engaged them in conversation and in the
>>> course of that, asked them how long they would be running their generator.
>>> Their response was foul and aggressive. We moved when they started running
>>> a jet ski at high speed in the tiny cove.
>>> But perhaps there is justice in the universe. Last winter at the Toronto
>>> Int?l Boat Show I was in my display with my usual neighbours, one of whom
>>> is an operator of marinas. We began sharing stories of inconsiderate
>>> ?boaters? (hate that term, a boater is a hat?) Low and behold, they knew
>>> the people with the black hulled stinkpot. In the months after our
>>> encounter with them, they?d run afoul of their home marina for non-payment
>>> of fees and objectionable behaviour involving noise? then another marina
>>> for non-payment for expensive cosmetic remodelling of their boat. The
>>> result of all this was that their boat had been legally seized from them.
>>> Hurrumph, says I. Yes, I feel a little guilty for being quietly pleased.
>>> On a similar vein, last summer we witnessed a huge and fast powerboat
>>> doing a full-on Rodney Dangerfield charging up Severn Sound blaring his
>>> horn and near missing several boats as he weaved through the sunday
>>> afternoon homeward bound fleet while towing a huge wake. I caught the
>>> name of his boat, and made a project of hunting it down in the local
>>> marinas? PAINFUL PLEASURE was a tenant nearby. I reported him to the
>>> police with a detailed description of what had happened. The police told
>>> me they visited him and had a ?conversation? which they reckoned made an
>>> impression. I didn?t press for charges to be laid, but I could have.
>>> Some months later, in my professional capacity as national distributor for
>>> Epifanes marine coatings, I received a call from the same marina reporting
>>> a client needing advice for a painting job he was doing. The boat was near
>>> enough for me to make a personal visit... Guess who it was...
>>> I helped him out with his issue and in the course of the inspection got to
>>> know him a little. He was of course new to boat ownership and clearly loved
>>> his monstrous powerboat. I commented that I was a sailor and kept my boat
>>> at the sailing club nearby? he murmured ?I don?t think sailors like me very
>>> much?. So I drew a breath and told him it was I who called the police on
>>> him the previous summer, and told him why. He apologized? clearly the
>>> cops had indeed made an impression on him. I believe this particular
>>> inconsiderate boat operator is in the category of most of them? he just had
>>> no idea what mayhem and danger he was out there? well now he knows.
>>> Gordon Laco
>>> 426 Surprise
>>>> On Aug 20, 2019, at 2:12 AM, Wehicks via Public-List <
>>> public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:
>>>> Send a picture of the crabby bottle. I would like to try.
>>>> Walter.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>> On Aug 19, 2019, at 10:50 PM, Randy Katz via Public-List <
>>> public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:
>>>>> Greetings, 'Bergers,
>>>>> Gordon's story below reminded me of a concern we're always a bit unsure
>>>>> about. We seem plagued by noisy generators on nearby boats, as I'm sure
>>>>> others have experienced. Watmough Bay on south Lopez Island, WA., a
>>> couple
>>>>> of weeks ago--Nearly all sailboats, ah, nice and quiet. Until another
>>>>> sailboat-- :( --with its gen exhaust pointed right at us starts ripping
>>>>> away... for 2 hours around dinner time.
>>>>> I'm an adult, I can figure these things out, but I'm curious about the
>>>>> response of others. Does one dare ask to the skipper how long such an
>>>>> intrusion is expected to continue, by way of giving a hint? Is it
>>>>> preferable to pull up anchor and move? Is it best even so to adopt a zen
>>>>> attitude and endure till the end? When will modern electrical management
>>>>> systems, LEDs, etc. become pervasive enough to reduce gen use? Not in my
>>>>> lifetime, I'm afraid.
>>>>> And then sometimes at 7 in the morning, too!
>>>>> We often anchor far off from other vessels knowing this problem will
>>> come
>>>>> up. We go to the beautiful places for peace and quiet, not for
>>> listening to
>>>>> engines running on and on.
>>>>> Any experiences or suggestions would be welcomed.
>>>>> Many Thanks,
>>>>> Randy Katz
>>>>> #249 Simple Gifts
>>>>> Seattle/Bellingham, WA
>>>>> Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2019 11:04:10 -0400
>>>>> From: Gordon Laco <mainstay at csolve.net>
>>>>> To: Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all
>>>>> <public-list at lists.alberg30.org>
>>>>> Subject: [Public-List] Cruising...
>>>>> Message-ID: <89016B18-7D9F-478F-BC36-8B4C2C39B2FA at csolve.net>
>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>>>>> So there we were on Friday morning? the usual tornado that are my
>>> business
>>>>> ventures seemed under control? so we decided to make it a long weekend
>>> and
>>>>> escape up the coast in the boat.
>>>>> We loaded up with ice, food, treats and a ginger beer called ?Crabby?s?
>>>>> we?ve become addicted to.
>>>>> Severn Sound was under dead calm conditions so we motored away without
>>>>> remorse about not sailing. At 5.8 knots we got up to our favourite
>>>>> anchorage in 2.5 hours. Ya, it?s not sailing, but on the other hand
>>>>> serious lounging at anchor...
>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.alberg30.org_store_A30supporters.html&d=DwICAg&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=enM7ScFQvWrcekEYjndveTkrwasULNM_wPIJpHsl3qk&m=FF-G_qbWyHQlOAQ_1oz9VDF8Yck3QvrTuACWR8q_2Lk&s=ouXu9RgAjPK88ofs6Pi9JpnEwObmTi-UxOIv9uRFX50&e=
>>>>> Please support them.
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>>>>> Public-List mailing list
>>>>> Public-List at lists.alberg30.org
>>>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__lists.alberg30.org_listinfo.cgi_public-2Dlist-2Dalberg30.org&d=DwICAg&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=enM7ScFQvWrcekEYjndveTkrwasULNM_wPIJpHsl3qk&m=FF-G_qbWyHQlOAQ_1oz9VDF8Yck3QvrTuACWR8q_2Lk&s=Sr4s-zVBw0GRUk7DwYINulmp_sq906Ed-FUMmftz1B0&e=
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>>>> These businesses support your Association:
>>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.alberg30.org_store_A30supporters.html&d=DwICAg&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=enM7ScFQvWrcekEYjndveTkrwasULNM_wPIJpHsl3qk&m=FF-G_qbWyHQlOAQ_1oz9VDF8Yck3QvrTuACWR8q_2Lk&s=ouXu9RgAjPK88ofs6Pi9JpnEwObmTi-UxOIv9uRFX50&e=
>>>> Please support them.
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>>>> Public-List mailing list
>>>> Public-List at lists.alberg30.org
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>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 4
>>> Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2019 14:53:15 -0400
>>> From: Andrew Johns <johnsab9 at gmail.com>
>>> To: Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all
>>> <public-list at lists.alberg30.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [Public-List] cabin top traveller
>>> Message-ID:
>>> <CAM5xwU50m7d=Dj9Xggc_0H-SdH7TKXRjQW=
>>> NAkqgz2YdxSx_CA at mail.gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
>>> The primary reason for a cabin top mounted traveler is to allow for a
>>> decent bimini and dodger setup that can be used while sailing.
>>> Additionally, it allows for extra room in the cockpit.
>>> We have had a cabin top mounted traveler on #104 since 2002. We have a
>>> Garhauer traveler mounted on teak riser blocks over the rear of the sea
>>> hood. In my experience, the masonite cored deck on the earlier boats is
>>> plenty strong enough for a traveler. No signs of distortion or stress
>>> cracking.
>>> The purchase on the mainsheet was increased to 6:1 in our setup.
>>> Occasionally we use the cabin top winch to help sheet in when close-hauled.
>>> A few things to keep in mind the force on the boom is not a single point
>>> load, it's applied over the length of the boom with the load reducing as
>>> you move farther out (providing you don't have a loose foot main). Moving
>>> the attachment point from the end to the middle would not double the stress
>>> in the boom. It would double the stress in the mainsheet but not the boom.
>>> Andrew
>>> Ecola #104
>>> On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 8:52 AM Don Campbell via Public-List <
>>> public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi Walter:
>>>> This is about your comment to go to a cabin top traveller. Really
>>>> consider the forces you are changing when you think about doing that.
>>>> Firstly: you change the moment of the force on the boom from now 14?6? to
>>>> about half of that. That means you will double all the other force
>>>> requirements for the track and blocks, gooseneck, and boom. So if you
>>> are
>>>> now happy with the designed 4:1 on the main , you will have to go to at
>>>> least 8:1 for the same pull on the sheet. It will also mean you change
>>> the
>>>> forces on the boom, mast track, and the sail itself. In fact getting a
>>>> method to hold the connection to the boom for the mainsheet blocks
>>> without
>>>> compromising boom strength and still able to withstand the extra forces
>>> is
>>>> a real challenge. When a boom breaks in half, it is not a very pretty
>>>> situation with sail and boom end flapping around your head. Secondly: The
>>>> cabin top has not been designed to take the upward force that this
>>> proposed
>>>> change will incur. While the builders have not known what fiberglass
>>> would
>>>> do, so they overbuilt things, changing the structural component to try to
>>>> do this change was not a part of the design or serendipity that we have
>>>> enjoyed with a strong hull (which is different from the cabin top and
>>>> deck). Thirdly: you will change sail shape and have a leech that will
>>>> always be open because you will lose control of the end of the boom, This
>>>> will offer more opportunity for a luffing leech and that is not an easy
>>>> sail for power. Lastly, you will have made the boat not class legal and
>>> so
>>>> it can never be sold to anyone who might want to race her.
>>>> I have no idea why one would want to change the traveller position,
>>>> but if it is because the original equipment is slow, sticky or just
>>>> awkward, then consider changing to a new track system and leave it where
>>> it
>>>> is now. Hardware manufacturers do a really good job now of making things
>>> so
>>>> they work in all conditions, and I know we have Albergs with new gear on
>>>> them. I put Harken on #528 twenty years ago now and I still like the
>>>> system. I know others who have used Garhauer and they like that too.
>>> Really
>>>> consider the change at boom end. I am also sure that if Carl were alive
>>>> today and designing boats, or even commenting on refits, he would be
>>> using
>>>> today?s hardware because it is functional , well built and safe.
>>>> Don
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>>>> Please support them.
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>>>> Public-List mailing list
>>>> Public-List at lists.alberg30.org
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>>> ------------------------------
>>> Subject: Digest Footer
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> These businesses support your Association:
>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.alberg30.org_store_A30supporters.html&d=DwICAg&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=enM7ScFQvWrcekEYjndveTkrwasULNM_wPIJpHsl3qk&m=FF-G_qbWyHQlOAQ_1oz9VDF8Yck3QvrTuACWR8q_2Lk&s=ouXu9RgAjPK88ofs6Pi9JpnEwObmTi-UxOIv9uRFX50&e=
>>> Please support them.
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>>> ------------------------------
>>> End of Public-List Digest, Vol 3902, Issue 1
>>> ********************************************
>> _______________________________________________
>> These businesses support your Association:
>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.alberg30.org_store_A30supporters.html&d=DwICAg&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=enM7ScFQvWrcekEYjndveTkrwasULNM_wPIJpHsl3qk&m=FF-G_qbWyHQlOAQ_1oz9VDF8Yck3QvrTuACWR8q_2Lk&s=ouXu9RgAjPK88ofs6Pi9JpnEwObmTi-UxOIv9uRFX50&e=
>> Please support them.
>> _______________________________________________
>> Public-List mailing list
>> Public-List at lists.alberg30.org
>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__lists.alberg30.org_listinfo.cgi_public-2Dlist-2Dalberg30.org&d=DwICAg&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=enM7ScFQvWrcekEYjndveTkrwasULNM_wPIJpHsl3qk&m=FF-G_qbWyHQlOAQ_1oz9VDF8Yck3QvrTuACWR8q_2Lk&s=Sr4s-zVBw0GRUk7DwYINulmp_sq906Ed-FUMmftz1B0&e=
> _______________________________________________
> These businesses support your Association:
> http://www.alberg30.org/store/A30supporters.html
> Please support them.
> _______________________________________________
> Public-List mailing list
> Public-List at lists.alberg30.org
> http://lists.alberg30.org/listinfo.cgi/public-list-alberg30.org
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