[Public-List] Dinghy Delights

David Tessier dfjtessier at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 17 14:42:30 PST 2021

‎I have used a Sportspal canoe, as a dinghy on my A30 #319 Trois Bouleaux, for several years now. 


There is a related manufacturer in the USA.

The 12 foot model (length 11'6")‎ I have is light (<40 lbs), fits easily on the side deck, stable, easily boarded and has oarlocks/oars, and ros/paddles smoothly. It handles swells and waves very well, with one or two passengers, which came in handy on Lake Superior this summer, enabling us to explore some rather open anchorages and clusters of islands, and get back to Trois Bouleaux (!), shipping a negligible amount of water in the process.

Much better than a 16' aluminium canoe I'd used previously (heavy, too long, less stable).


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