[Public-List] Dingy Delights

weatherhelm at hotmail.com weatherhelm at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 17 07:39:49 PST 2021

I rest my case.        (-;
Sent from Outlook Email App for Android Wednesday, 17 November 2021, 10:35a.m. -05:00 from Gordon Laco  mainstay at csolve.net :

>Hello Rod, 
>As I was writing all that, it occurred to me that Boyd was sunk in that particular dinghy twice; once in the Leaping Frank incident, and once when I ran him over with TOUCH WOOD.  He lives in Vancouver now, as far from my boats as he can get…haha.
>Gordon Laco
>426 Surprise
>>On Nov 17, 2021, at 10:24 AM, Rod via Public-List < public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:
>>"..... That left Boyd sitting on the top edge of the transom. Of course the bow of the dinghy flipped up and it rapidly sank stern first, with him still aboard...."
>>Gord :   just one more example of why you have so few friends.   (big sigh)
>>and as for Caroline,  the level of her tolerance continues to astound.   I don't suppose she would consider changing places with you ?  No, that wouldn't work either.....  you would be compelled to add copious amounts of "scrambled eggs " to your dress and then the stern would go under.
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