[Public-List] Dolor sailor on Alberg 30 made it to Hawaii, broken rudder

Stephen Gwyn stephen.gwyn at gmail.com
Thu Sep 23 15:15:44 PDT 2021

And even then... Coming back from Haida Gwaii on this ketch it
was blowing 25-30 and we were down to staysail and mizzen. The
boat was balanced, but not still not stable. Despite full keel,
gaff rig and being a ketch, the wheel needed constant attention
to keep her with 10 degrees of her course. At one point in
the night, I was steering and she kept wanting to luff up by 20
degrees. Luckily as it turns out. Just after I got her back on course,
a huge 6-foot diameter by 60 foot long log loomed out of the dark.
Had I been where I supposed to be we would have hit it. That log
would have sunk an A30, and done a lot of damage even to that boat.


On 2021-09-23 2:35 p.m., Winslow Ayer wrote:
> The beauty being with a mizzenmast you can drop the main, leave the headsail and have nice steerability and headway.
> Winslow

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