[Public-List] Seeking safety advice - replacing bulkheads while on the hard

Stephen Gwyn stephen.gwyn at gmail.com
Fri Jan 14 14:08:41 PST 2022

The layup on an A30 isn't actually particularly heavy.
The shape of the boat is mostly sustained
by those lovely curves more than a heavy layup
or the bulkheads. A lot of the bulkheads are more
ornamental than structural.

However I would want lots of stands. It would actually
easier to do this in the water which would provide a more
even support. But remember the boat is meant to take
a lot of stress from sailing. Just sitting there it's not going
to get too bent out of shape.

Ironically, the main bulkhead under the mast
(which is very heavily built) would
actually be doing the least work once the mast
is down. The ones at the aft end of the cockpit
and the fore end of the V-berth have to hold up
flat surfaces.


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