[Public-List] Alberg 30 mast supports and winter cover

Glenn Brooks brooks.glenn at comcast.net
Sat Sep 9 11:14:50 PDT 2023

I used tried and true  blue tarps with plastic zip ties to stitch the edges together. Plastic milk jugs filled with water holds the edges down to cover the rail.  

Never saw a need for saw horses or any kind 2” x4” lumber down the center.  Many better options available. You could string a length of anchor rode or spare dock line pulpit to mast and hang the tarps over that, and the main boom.  Or, just tie off the whisker pole above the fore deck.   The biggest maintenance issue is arranging the tarps so big sumps of winter rainwater  can run off. 

Sent from my iPad

> On Sep 9, 2023, at 9:11 AM, Steph Romaniuk via Public-List <public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:
> Hey folks:
> We reused the shrink wrap our boat came with last winter and we are ready to move on to a more permanent solution for a winter cover.
> Wondered if someone had the design or dimensions for building mast supports at the bow, stern, and centre to hold a simple winter cover draped over the mast as a ridge pole - stantions removed? 
> Someone suggested a bail tarp on its own. Ideas where to source one and size? 20’x40’?
> Thanks in advance!
> Sue and Steph
> #63 Nimbus IX (formerly Paperboy)
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