[alberg30] Re: Rebedding deck fittings

Thomas Parks parks24 at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 14 14:11:12 PST 1998

From: "Thomas Parks" <parks24 at hotmail.com>

  We had new toe rails put on our Alberg all the way around. To bend 
them they used wide C-clamps at my stanchion post and gradually pulled 
the rail in. Mine are mahogany due to cost considerations and are 6/4 
but it would seem the same should apply to teak. Also we bedded mine in 
something just called Mahogany Compound at $18.75 a quart and it took 
two quarts. And while you are at it, if interested , you can get some 
nice bronze chockes to mortise in from Hamilton Marine in Maine for 
about $30 a piece. They give a nice finished look to the job. Hope this 
helps to answer your question, I'm sure everyone else will have plenty 
to say too!!
Tom Parks
Tradewinds #48

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