[alberg30] Re: INFO Needed Prior to Looking for a '30'

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at min.net
Mon Oct 19 14:06:29 PDT 1998

From: George Dinwiddie <gdinwiddie at min.net>


The older boats have a masonite core.  The newer ones have a balsa core.
I'm not exactly sure when the change was made.  I've not heard of
problems with the masonite core.  The balsa core, of course, must be
kept dry.  Problems generally come from boltholes being drilled through
the core and not properly sealed.  Water infiltration will cause
delamination.  You can detect this by tapping on the deck.  There is
an obvious difference in the sound.

While most A30's were delivered with gas engines, many have been 
repowered.  It should be easy to find a boat with a diesel engine
if that is important to you.  I thought it was important to me
but I've found that I'm very happy with my Atomic 4.

I hope you find the boat of your dreams!

 - George

> Jackie E. Thomas said:
> From: "Jackie E. Thomas" <JThomas at lombard.ca>
> Hi Folks,  I am seriously considering replacing my C&C25 with a Alberg30.
> I already really like the looks and reputation of the boat but prior to
> doing a deal I would like to ask if anyone has some helpful info into the
> pro's and con's.  Naturally a surveyer would be involved but you might be
> able to help me save some unnecessary shopping trips.
> I have heard mention that the hull numbers under 200 have solid glass decks
> - is this true?
> Are there many diesel models around? - I have a gas engine on my current
> boat and would feel better with a diesel for a couple of reasons.
> Any info would be very helpful.  Thanks in advance
> Jackie Thomas
> Toronto

  George Dinwiddie                                  gdinwiddie at min.net
  The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in
  sailing.          http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Alberg30/

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