[Alberg30] A30's in the New York / Ct./ N.J. Area

Brian and Elaine Timmins timmins at optonline.net
Thu Mar 15 16:16:29 PST 2001

Might you also be interested in the LI Sound NOOD regatta? Shawn Orr is
trying to find at least 6 boats to sign up in order to get a class start.
Check the list for his address and Email him if you are. I'm considering it
even though we're not even close to die hard racers. Apparently, minor
fluctuations from the "One Design" class rules are tolerated. At least I'm
assuming they will be since we boats up here don't have the closeness to
either of the classes homeports (Annapolis and Toronto). I think both the
rendezvous and the NOOD are worth persuing.
 We better be careful though. If it starts to appear like our 30 year old
class is becoming more popular, we may change the whole trend of boat
design. They may stop building those "modern" light weights that flip over
and loose their keels and break off their rudders and get holed if they hit
anything or even break in half if they take a wave wrong! If those boats
don't keep disappearing can you imagine how crowded the water will be? A
NOOD in the Larchmont area ought to be fun. What is the best ramming speed
Excuse my indiscrection. I just got home from work, driving on the Long
Island Expressway at rush hour isn't fun!
Regards, Brian
----- Original Message -----
From: <JPGrathwol at aol.com>
To: <public-list at alberg30.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Alberg30] A30's in the New York / Ct./ N.J. Area

> Brian,
> I would welcome a NY/CT/NJ area rendezvous (plus I hope to take you up on
> your offer of a sail - yes I'm John from Brooklyn).
> My wife and I attended the cruising seminar this spring in Annapolis (we
> attended the maintenance seminar last year).  On both occasions we had a
> great time.  We were impressed with the hospitality and friendliness of
> Chesapeake Alberg community.  More to the point, I learned a lot.  It's
> a pleasure to spend hours talking about these boats with other similarly
> afflicted sailors.  It's a satisfaction unmatched via this list or patched
> together from shorter conversations with my wife and all my friends.  I
> I would enjoy and benefit from any get together we northeasters could pull
> off.
> Please count me in.
> If nothing else we have to entice Mike Lehman and his wife up here.  It
> been too long since a cruise to New York has been logged in the back of
> handbook.
> John Grathwol
> Dovekie  #88
>  | The Tasman Sea strikes.  Two injured on Verita.  Read the news at:
>  |
http://service.bfast.com/bfast/click?bfmid=22673860=32743498=bt_challenge |
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 | The Tasman Sea strikes.  Two injured on Verita.  Read the news at:        |
 | http://service.bfast.com/bfast/click?bfmid=22673860=32743498=bt_challenge |

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