[Alberg30] Lazy Jacks

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at min.net
Fri Oct 26 13:40:38 PDT 2001


I don't think I would like non-retractable lazyjacks, due to the
potental for chafe and for affecting the sailshape and flow of
air over the main.  I decided to make my own retractable lazy
jacks.  So far, they're still a bit temporary as I've been 
experimenting with the geometry.  I'm almost happy with them,

They certaily do help when single-handing.

 - George

> Dave Rutherford said:
> Greetings, I have joined the list as a potential owner in the future.  I
> currently own an Alberg22 in Belleville, Ontario.  I noticed some
> discussions on LazyJacks and since I would like to install a set
> wondered what the group has found with respect to their mainsail
> handling capabilities.
> I do not race and cruise only.  The local rigging shop produces them but
> they remain up all the time and do not retract to the mast.  Can members
> tell me if this is ok and if there is much variation in the different
> units available.  I understand Practical Sailor did a comparison a few
> years ago as well. Thanks very much. I appreciate any advice.

  George Dinwiddie                             gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
  The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in
  sailing.                                    http://www.Alberg30.org/

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