[Alberg30] Forward Chainplates

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at min.net
Mon Apr 8 10:48:41 PDT 2002

It's been a couple years since I recaulked the chainplates with 
Rule Elastomeric, and so far it still seems to be holding.  I did
remove the chainplates and burnish the surfaces with those little
round 3M scrubbers that fit in the drill.  This gave me a clean
surface for bonding.

As for the number of bolts, I know that Bruce Rankin preferred 
using five 1/4" bolts rather than three 5/16" ones.  He said the
strength was the same, though.  I think he preferred to losing 
20% of the strength rather than 33% if a bolt failed.

I went with the three 5/16" solution, though, as it was easier
for me to enlarge three holes than to drill two new ones.  
Bruce was better equipped for drilling stainless than I am.

 - George

> Mike Lehman said:
> For caulking around chainplates, I have used a number of different products 
> over the years incl. Rule Elastomeric; #M 101; Boat Life and it always seems 
> that every year I need to re-caulk them, so my conclusion is caulk them 
> every year as part of spring commissioning. What experiences have others 
> had?

  George Dinwiddie                             gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
  The gods do not deduct from man's allotted span those hours spent in
  sailing.                                    http://www.Alberg30.org/

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