[Alberg30] Annapolis - Eastport YC Beer Can Racing Series

Hiesener, Michael hiesenerm at stripes.osd.mil
Mon May 5 09:22:08 PDT 2003


What would be the approximate starting time?  

I'm interested, but would probably prefer a non-spinnaker format as I would
most likely race with small kids on board and not my regular racing crew.

Can spin/no spin be a last minute decision before each race?

Mike Hiesener
Terrapin #254

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles B. Currier [mailto:cbcurrier at spinrx.com]
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 12:11 PM
To: public-list at alberg30.org
Subject: [Alberg30] Annapolis - Eastport YC Beer Can Racing Series

Greetings all,

I hope some of you remember the discussions that went on last year
concerning the Eastport Yacht Club's Beer can series that takes place
during the summer on friday evenings. It is OPEN TO ALL and simply
requires a minimal registration fee ($60 for the entire season) and an
entry form be filled out and left with the bartender at EYC 24 hours prior
to the start of the first race you participate in. You only need register

I am hoping that we can get a fleet start for the Albergs this year.  The
Racing Commodore and race committe chairman at EYC, I was told last year,
would love to see us out.  In order to do this we must have at least 3
boats start. The more the better. So for those of you who cannot make
wednesdays or want a more informal racing atmosphere to practice & bone up
on your one design alberg skills come on out. This can also be run as a
non spinnaker race

Schedule is:

   Series I
     May  9, 16, 23
     June 6, 13, 20
   Series II
     June 27
     July 11, 25
     August 8, 15, 22

C.B. Currier - CBCurrier at spinrx.com
Infinity # 57
Daybreak #458

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