[Alberg30] Rudder Repair

Michael dickdurk at intercom.net
Thu May 29 04:28:06 PDT 2003

There must be a lot of variation in how Whitby fabricated the rudders.
On Checkmate, those wood pieces are actually triangular in cross section. I
rebed the ones that are loose with thickened up epoxy and clamp back where
they belong-haven't had any problems after that treatment.

I haven't found latitudinal metal ribs on mine, but plastic grey sounds like
it IS bondo; in other words, fairing. Bondo isn't suitable for under water
applications, but marine tex would be a good replacement, I would think. I
think White diamond body filler is an automotive brand (ie cheaper than
anything with marine in the name) that can be used underwater. Not sure what
the difference between it and bondo is, though.

It's possible to remove the rudder from the boat by unscrewing the top part
from the rudder post- there are machine bolts (4, I think) that run through
the post into the rudder-slotted screw head. Glassing all round the stock
makes that process that much harder.

Make sure the shoe is firmly attached to the boat, and the pintle at bottom
of rudder is in good shape. That is actually a bronze bolt threaded into a
tapped hole on bottom of rudder stock, and then the head cut off. At least,
it is now ;)


 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
 | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |

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