[Alberg30] Boat Names - Delphi

Gary Barker eyewander at prexar.com
Thu Sep 11 10:48:28 PDT 2003


As another former Pittsburger (Pitt Dental '85), You have me a bit 
concerned.  Why do so many Pittsburgers like Alberg 30's?  When I was 
down there in the early 80"s, I asked a guy what was with Pittsburg?  
"Sports, beer, women," he said. "In that order."  I am now thinking 
that we should add A 30's to the List.
Anyway, everyone needs an oracle to consult on these kind of issues- I 
Ching, Runes, Animal Cards- I chose the Viking Runes and picked  
"Sowelu", the rune for Wholeness, the Sun as my name for A 30 #307.  It 
was formerly "Il Molino".  So consider that two folks from Three Rivers 
have told you to consult oracles.  There might be something there.

Gary Barker
  Sowelu #307
Boothbay Harbor, Maine

 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
 | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |

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