[Alberg30] Boat Names - Delphi

Gordon LACO mainstay at csolve.net
Thu Sep 11 11:39:35 PDT 2003

How can I resist getting into this one...

My first boat, an Albacore racing dinghy was called "Crazy Horse" - I'm a
Neil Young fan, was studying history and I had gotten into the habit of
calling whatever boat I was racing in "the horse".

My second boat was a Danish built Folkboat that I bought as "Touch Wood" and
kept that name.. her dinghy was called "Touched Wood" because of the number
of times it banged up my varnish work.

You know the current boat is Alberg 30 "Surprise" - indeed she was named for
Jack Aubrey's H.M.S.Surprise.

In my racing and wandering days I sailed in boats with nice but unfortunate
names... you've got to be careful when your boat's name will be exposed to
wit.  A few - "Barca Nostra" became popularly known as "Barking Dog"; Orace
(named for a fast square rigger skippered by the owner's ancester) became
"Orface", "Valour" very fast boat - became "Velour" until we got told to
stop calling her that by the skipper.   Naturally there were several
"Passing Wind"s (who could improve on that?  One boat was briefly named "No
Fat Chicks" but an outcry caused the owner to rename it "Rule Number Three"
which we knew meant...

Another got the use of a new racing boat for a season to introduce it to the
market and hopefully win lots to make a reputation for it(this was back in
the Quarter Ton IOR days) We had a terrific time until someone announced
that "The Blivet" meant "ten-pounds-of-sh*t-in-five-pound-bag"  not too
heroic and there almost went our sponser.   There was a "Deliverance"; every
time I saw her I thought of that scene from the film of that name...  We
used to call out "squeal like a pig" or just twang the tune of Dueling
Banjos when crossing her in races while they pretended not to know what we
were referring to.

There was a "Silent Rage" - holy cow, who would sail with that guy?

You've got to be so careful.

Gord #426 Surprise

on 9/11/03 1:48 PM, Gary Barker at eyewander at prexar.com wrote:

> Roger,
> As another former Pittsburger (Pitt Dental '85), You have me a bit
> concerned.  Why do so many Pittsburgers like Alberg 30's?  When I was
> down there in the early 80"s, I asked a guy what was with Pittsburg?
> "Sports, beer, women," he said. "In that order."  I am now thinking
> that we should add A 30's to the List.
> Anyway, everyone needs an oracle to consult on these kind of issues- I
> Ching, Runes, Animal Cards- I chose the Viking Runes and picked
> "Sowelu", the rune for Wholeness, the Sun as my name for A 30 #307.  It
> was formerly "Il Molino".  So consider that two folks from Three Rivers
> have told you to consult oracles.  There might be something there.
> Gary Barker
> Sowelu #307
> Boothbay Harbor, Maine
> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
> |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
> | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |
> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
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 |                This Old Boat by Don Casey                     |
 | http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0071579931/alberg30-20 |

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