[Alberg30] New Main Sail

Roger L. Kingsland rkingsland101 at ksba.com
Mon Sep 29 14:52:03 PDT 2003


I am interested in the same stuff to so, other Albergers (how about just a little potato salad), please bring it on.  Specifically, does anyone have an opinion as to the number of reefs and their height above the boom.  Is two enough or should a third be added for a cheap "storm sail?"  Can the reef heights result in mainsail area in balance with the sizes of headsails (150 = full main,130 = first reef, working jib = second reef)?

I did get a proposal from North in Annapolis and they suggested only one full length batten (at the top) because the sail track is not able to withstand the heavy loads produced by longer battens.  Perhaps your "Strong Slide System" solves that problem.  

I have often (well, not really that often) wondered if a ketch rig, with the mizzen mast mounted at the forward end of the cockpit, would work for an A30.  With this rig the main boom could be shortened to allow the full benefits of high aspect, full roach (full batten) sails on booth main and mizzen.  (I read on the web site that Alberg originally wanted the mast mounted 2 feet aft and had to shorten the mast and lengthen the boom to balance the rig with the mast so far forward.)   Also, has anyone tried moving the side stays inboard and mounting the chain plates to the cabin sides?  How about a new, taller mast (with a shorter boom) moved aft to the aft head bulkhead (yes Virginia, there are some minor issues with the offset hanging locker bulkhead, but heck, we are already wasting so much money, what's a little more matter)?  Really, I am trying to get back into the box, but I can't find it.  I know y'all can help.  I also guess I would only be eligible to be the committee boat during an A30 race.


Roger Kingsland
Chief Financial Officer (AKA, check writer)
The Sailing Artist Formally Knows as Mahina Manu, A30 #148
N40°  29.288'
W79°  54.228'
Author's Disclaimer; This email was produced exclusively by the sender and, in the interest of expediency, without the benefit of editing by others.  The sender, thank goodness, is a much better architect/sailor than speller/editor and, frankly, constantly laments an obvious flaw in "spell check," it does not know what the author is thinking.  Please accept the sender's sincere apologies for any "typos" that may appear in this document.  If present, they are certainly unintended and hopefully do not cloud the message, or spawn any unnecessary lawsuits.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Terrell" <DTERRELL at message.nmc.edu>
To: <public-list at alberg30.org>
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 4:31 PM
Subject: [Alberg30] New Main Sail

> The time has come to get a new main sail for Talisman. I would like the
> work to be done locally in Traverse City -  so my question is - what
> things do I have to watch out for so that the sail comes out "just
> right"? Any suggestion about sail cloth? One sailmaker suggest Contender
> made by a Dutch company. Another suggests Challenge? Any opinions on
> either of these? I am also planning on putting on a Strong Slide System.
> Racing is not going to be my thing so I am planning on full battens
> throughout and two reefs - opinions and suggestions will be appreciated
> on all these ideas.
> Thanks for the help.
> David - Talisman #432
>  +---------------------------------------------------------------+
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