[Public-list] My Rudder is Broke and Needs Fixin

Lincoln Finkenberg finkenbergl at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 18 06:57:53 PST 2004

Anyone want to chime in on rudder design - a topic that I can guarantee would be of practical use to one reader (although I'd have to attach the usual legal disclaimer).  I've tracked down a rudder shoe, gonna use the j24 gudgeon/pintel thingers and gonna take that really strong type plywood and slap two peaces together "sealed" in epoxy.  

One mystery that seems to ping around in my brain (there are one or two others) is -- how the heck does the that bent poll that sticks out and below the hole in the boat get inbetween those two peaces of really strong type plywood i slap together?

And does anyone know of a sailing resume coach - mine really needs some work.

Captain rock bottom

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