[Public-list] Reverse

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Thu Jun 17 21:08:41 PDT 2004

Both forward and reverse depend on friction, but they're different (as 
I've been told) types of mechanisms.  The big wheel that you turn one 
notch *is* only for forward.  I don't recall how to adjust reverse.

My advice is to check the atomic4 list at sailnet.

  - George

John Birch wrote:
> My understanding was that it essentially acts like a clutch connecting the
> trans gears to the engine to the shaft. Would that not be applicable whether
> in Fwd or Rev?
> Please correct me if I am wrong.

   When I remember bygone days                         George Dinwiddie
   I think how evening follows morn;            gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
   So many I loved were not yet dead,           http://www.Alberg30.org
   So many I love were not yet born.
                                             'The Middle' by Ogden Nash


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