[Public-list] Racor filters?

Peter Amos p.a.amos at tesco.net
Sun May 23 00:56:38 PDT 2004

Randy,I have the M320B also.I use the  2micron  R12S as a primary and the
Napa Gold equivalent for the original secondary.The Napa equivalent for the
R12S is no cheaper so no saving there.
A deisel mechanic told me that if a 2 micron pre filter is used,the
secondary  needs to be changed only once for every three primary changes,but
the secondary is so much cheaper I change it every season anyway.
Calders maintenance book shows him changing a Lucas CAV 296 primary
filter.This is a 10 micron filter that costs about $8.00 so presumably this
would be o.k. but I'll stick with the R12S for peace of mind.
My solution to reducing the work the expensive primary has to do,so that I
have to renew it only once a season,is to fill the main tank from jugs by
pumping it through a Napa 10 micron pre filter. I can also use this pump and
filter to polish the fuel and get any water out of  the main tank at the
start of the season or whenever I feel like it.Have a look at
www.trawlerworld.com,  fuel polishing for the general idea.
A  Baja filter is 30 microns so still leaves a lot of contamination for the
pre filter and a Baja cannot be used for cleaning the tank.
If you get lots of black dust fron the V belt brushing the oil filter try
the Fram equivalent.It's slightly smaller in diameter and solves that
Peter Amos
Tait Tait #478


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