[Public-list] Cockpit coamings revisited.

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Sun Aug 13 19:35:45 PDT 2006

David Parkes wrote:
> "Sapphira" (#417) is now in Halifax, NS, and I'm about to start refinishing 
> the exterior teak.  For the toe rails, and stern rail I intent to clean them 
> with a teak cleaner and water, then sand the raised grain and apply Tung 
> oil.  However the cockpit coamings seem to be covered with many coats of 
> Cetol, or something similar, and look very old and tired, although solid 
> with no splits.  I'm looking for advice on how to remove the old finish 
> without removing the coamings (having read all the interesting postings 
> about removing and/or replacing them).  Any suggestions?

I would try a heat gun and scraper.

   When I remember bygone days                         George Dinwiddie
   I think how evening follows morn;            gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
   So many I loved were not yet dead,           http://www.Alberg30.org
   So many I love were not yet born.
                'The Middle' by Ogden Nash


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