[Public-list] Original Muffler

George Dinwiddie gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
Mon Mar 12 13:14:16 PDT 2007

Bill Newman wrote:
> My #233 still has the original muffler which consist of an iron pipe,
> wrapped, I suppose, in asbestos and a hose that sends water to the
> muffler in the stern locker.  At the moment everything seems fine but
> it is hard to believe that a 39 year old piece of wrapped pipe can
> last much longer.  The fact that the boat has never been in salt
> water may help.  My concern is how to get the manifold bolts out.
> With a car, heat or drilling may be the answer but given the enclosed
> space and proximity of the gas tank, this would seem to be out of the
> question. Has anyone had any experience with this.  Any suggestions
> will be much appreciated.

I suggest spraying it with PB Blaster (available at a lot of auto parts 
stores) or Kroil (probably only available from the manufacturer).  Do 
this daily and bang it with a hammer.

I have, on one occasion, had to take the manifold off (remove the carb 
from it first) and out of the boat to remove it.

BTW, there's a picture of my system on 
http://alberg30.org/maintenance/MechanicalPropulsion/Exhaust/ except 
that, in my most recent incarnation, I went with brass/bronze and used a 
hosebarb instead of half pipe nipple at the output end.

> Also when I was thinking of doing it last season Mike Lehman
> suggested a Vetus muffler but I haven't been able to find the model
> number he gave me.  If anyone knows that I would appreciate getting
> it again.

Hmmm... Maybe Vetus doesn't make it anymore.  My web searches turn up a 
Centek Vernalift, however.

  - George

P.S.  I've got some copper pipe, if anyone wants to make the old 
standpipe system 
  Speak up now, though, as I'm getting ready to recycle the copper.

   When I remember bygone days                         George Dinwiddie
   I think how evening follows morn;            gdinwiddie at alberg30.org
   So many I loved were not yet dead,           http://www.Alberg30.org
   So many I love were not yet born.
                'The Middle' by Ogden Nash


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