[Public-List] sculling

Rod Symmes harmony at aztec-net.com
Thu Dec 11 09:43:24 PST 2008

Now you guys have me seriously thinking.  (  Oh my - the boat has only been out of the water for 5 weeks and I am already showing signs of withdrawal symptoms )    If somebody wants to propel their boat with muscle power,  why not use the biggest muscles you have available.   How about rigging a stationary bike type outfit in the cockpit and chain drive it to the prop shaft.  You might even want to rig the handlebar to work the rudder.
 Does anyone out there need a winter project ?? 

What ??   Oh - yes dear,  I will get back to work now.

Cheers,    Rod

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  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: dickdurk at atlanticbb.net 
  To: gewhite at crosslink.net ; Alberg 30 Public List -- open to all 
  Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 7:39 AM
  Subject: Re: [Public-List] sculling

  The Pardey's on Sarafin (and their later boat, Taleisin, 
  is also engineless, I believe) are proponents of oars. 
  they use just one, either on the side, or for sculling.

  I have a 20' or so lifeboat oar that I have experimented 
  with. As Gordon says, the oarlock is the issue. Someday I 
  will sand cast a bronze oarlock, but there is potential 
  for actually moving an Alberg with an oar-in a dead calm.

  I found sculling less effective than on the side, but it 
  takes a lot of sea room to get up speed so the rudder can 
  be used to counter...torque, I guess it is.



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