[Public-List] Electronic ignition & other stuff

Jeffrey via Public-List public-list at lists.alberg30.org
Mon Oct 13 14:30:20 PDT 2014

More importantly, Greg you have a 38 Speed Twin? Pictures please!


Seagrass. #116
Boothbay Harbor, Maine


On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 5:13 PM, Greg Dawson via Public-List <
public-list at lists.alberg30.org> wrote:

> Hi all.
> Without extending the already over extended debate on electronic ignition
> and also because I am pretty new to this forum and don't want to be a s--t
> disturber I would like to add a little. I also own a couple of old triumph
> motorcycles and an Atomic 4 so this is the point that I speak from.
> My 1938 Speed Twin is equipped with a Mag Dyno and has manual advance &
> retard, my 66 Bonneville has points with auto advance & retard but will  be
> fitted with an EI system. Why, because it's better than the original system
> and it would have been fitted if the technology were available in 66. True,
> I might find myself broken down at the side of the road without a spare EI
> unit where as a simple set of points would have got me home but that is
> just a decision about spending the extra cost "just in case"
> The week point of EI on the Atomic 4 surely is that the technology still
> requires a distributer which needs adjusting very occasionally and
> lubricating. Also a distributor cap, armature and coil  that definitely
> have finite lives. Unlike modern vehicles the engine wasn't made to accept
> EI as a complete system running a sensor off the crank or cam shaft with a
> multiple coils, nor can it be converted easily as my Triumph can.
> The one huge advantage that I see is that if you aren't mechanically
> inclined or you have physical restraints ie your eyesight  is limited, you
> get a system that means that you never have to adjust points in a cramped
> engine compartment with dim lighting, you get a better spark in theory and
> maybe better performance. Surely the debate is merely should I invest in
> spares "just in case"
> By the way I need a set of gaskets for an Atomic 4 if there's a set
> going....
> In closing, I just want to say that I am enjoying this forum and the
> friendly advice / help that I have got from people. Rebuilding our A30 is a
> big project for us so THANKS!!
> Greg.
> #348
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Jeffrey Fongemie



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